Our 3rd child, Alysa Beth, was born on April 24th of 2006. She was taken from us a few hours after birth to be lifeflighted to Doernbecher's Children's Hospital 3 hours away from our home. Luckily, after her birth, our doctor had picked up on a heart murmur and had told us it was pretty normal with most babies and that they would continue to keep a close eye on her, until a few hours later. I had a cesarean and was left behind at our local hospital, while my husband went with Alysa on her lifeflight journey. What an empty feeling, as if we'd already lost her.
Alysa had to have open-heart surgery at only 3 days old, in which the doctors had inserted a "conduit". It won't grow with her, so she will continue to have a few more surgeries as she grows. She had to stay up there in Portland, Oregon for her first 5 1/2 weeks of life. No, she wasn't a preemie, either. Full term. The ultrasounds didn't pick up on anything.
Everything seemed so normal. Come to find out, she has Tetralogy of Fallot with Pulmonary Atresia and a rare chromosome disorder (DiGeorge Syndrome), along with a few other medical conditions.
She now has "school" (Early Intervention) to help her. She has limited movement in her right side, but is using her right arm a lot more, thanks to Early Intervention! With her medical conditions, she may have trouble growing, trouble with sight, hearing, speaking, and learning. As of now, she is very far-sighted and has astigmatism, but that seems so very little compared to all she's been through.
Alysa had to have a Cardiac Catherization in November to open a valve in her heart. No stent needed at this time.
We have had a lot of support and prayers from all over the United States.
Thank you all so much!
Alysa is truly a blessing from God! Lots of personality and very loving!!!
Very strong-willed and determined. She's our little angel..............our Alysa Beth!
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