Saturday, August 26, 2006

With one swift wave of the ultrasound wand, our lives were changed forever. It was the summer of 2002 and it was the first time in my life I’d heard a medical professional recommend strongly that we “medically terminate the pregnancy.” There was so little hope for life let alone any real quality of life and what he would have to endure just for a shot at it was almost cruel. For he had been diagnosed with a severe congenital heart defect called Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome.

“For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you.” verse. Then was the teary discussion with a pediatric cardiologist after a fetal echo, and we had hope. We would relocate from Tennessee to Michigan for our son to be born at U of M, where the nation’s best surgical team would perform the first of 3 open heart surgeries at just 6 days old. Our beautiful blonde haired, blue-eyed, son Bo came through miraculously and life began again.

Just 18 days after surgery, we returned home with our 2 ½ year old daughter and our living, breathing miracle. The months that followed we are blur of tube feedings, dressing changes, medicines, doctors visits, home health visits, germ decontamination, and on and on. And his Daddy and I were living high on God’s amazing grace.

Bo’s second open heart surgery was at 6 ½ months and third at 19 months. When you hand your child over to surgeons and fall to your knees with an indescribable ache in your soul, you can truly see the face of God. It was amazing how Bo soared through each time.

Today at almost 4 years old, Bo is a thriving, rambunctious little sweetheart who is hard to keep up with. We don’t know his long term prognosis, as these kids are truly pioneers. But we know that each day is a gift. And for each day we are so thankful.

check out Bo's website at

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